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Course Syllabus Template

Create a clear, organized course syllabus effortlessly with our user-friendly template.

How to Create a Course Syllabus

Power Up Your Digital Note Taking

Whether you’re offline, online, or on the go—capture your best thoughts in a single place

Course Overview

Course Title: {Course Title}

Instructor Information

  • Name: {Instructor Name}
  • Email: {Instructor Email}
  • Office Hours: {Office Hours}

Course Description

{Brief Course Description}


  • {Objective 1}
  • {Objective 2}
  • {Objective 3}

Weekly Topics

  1. Week 1: {Topic 1}
  2. Week 2: {Topic 2}
  3. Week 3: {Topic 3}

Grading Policy

  • Exams: {Percentage}%
  • Projects: {Percentage}%
  • Participation: {Percentage}%

Important Dates

  • Midterm: {Midterm Date}
  • Final Exam: {Final Exam Date}

Syllabus Essentials

Course: {Course Name}

Instructor Details

  • Instructor: {Instructor Name}
  • Contact: {Contact Information}

Learning Outcomes

  • {Outcome 1}
  • {Outcome 2}
  • {Outcome 3}

Course Schedule

  • Week 1: {Week 1 Topic}
  • Week 2: {Week 2 Topic}
  • Week 3: {Week 3 Topic}

Assessment Methods

  • Quizzes: {Quiz Percentage}%
  • Assignments: {Assignment Percentage}%
  • Final Project: {Final Project Percentage}%

Classroom Policies

  • Attendance: {Attendance Policy}
  • Late Work: {Late Work Policy}

Learning Pathway

Course Name: {Course Name}

Instructor Contact

  • Name: {Instructor Name}
  • Email: {Instructor Email}

Course Goals

  • {Goal 1}
  • {Goal 2}
  • {Goal 3}

Weekly Breakdown

  • Week 1: {Week 1 Content}
  • Week 2: {Week 2 Content}
  • Week 3: {Week 3 Content}

Evaluation Criteria

  • Tests: {Test Percentage}%
  • Homework: {Homework Percentage}%
  • Class Participation: {Participation Percentage}%

Key Dates

  • Project Due: {Project Due Date}
  • Exam Week: {Exam Week Dates}

Course Blueprint

Title: {Course Title}


  • Name: {Instructor Name}
  • Email: {Instructor Email}


{Course Description}


  • {Objective 1}
  • {Objective 2}

Weekly Outline

  • Week 1: {Week 1 Topic}
  • Week 2: {Week 2 Topic}

Grading Breakdown

  • Midterm Exam: {Midterm Percentage}%
  • Final Exam: {Final Percentage}%


  • Attendance: {Attendance Policy}
  • Academic Integrity: {Integrity Policy}


Frequently asked questions

What should a course syllabus include?
  • Course title and description
  • Instructor contact information
  • Course objectives and learning outcomes
  • Weekly topics and reading assignments
  • Grading policy and assessment methods
  • Classroom policies and expectations
How can a course syllabus enhance student learning?

A well-structured syllabus sets clear expectations, provides a roadmap for the course, and helps students manage their time effectively. It also encourages students to take responsibility for their learning by outlining what is required to succeed.

Why is it important to update a course syllabus regularly?

Regular updates ensure that the syllabus remains relevant and reflects any changes in course content, teaching methods, or assessment strategies. This keeps the course aligned with current educational standards and student needs.


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Whether you’re offline, online, or on the go—capture your best thoughts in a single place