MLA Format Book Citation
Book Citation
- Author: {Author's Last Name}, {Author's First Name}.
- Title: {Book Title}.
- Publisher: {Publisher Name},
- Year of Publication: {Year}.
Smith, John. The Art of Writing. Penguin, 2020.
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In-Text Citations
Works Cited Page
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Book Citation
Smith, John. The Art of Writing. Penguin, 2020.
Article Citation
Doe, Jane. "Exploring the Unknown." Journal of Discovery, vol. 5, no. 2, 2021, pp. 45-67.
Website Citation
Brown, Lisa. "Understanding the Stars." Astronomy Today, 15 Mar. 2022,
In-Text Citation
(Smith 23)
Use this format when quoting or paraphrasing a source within your text.
Works Cited Page
Example Entry:
Smith, John. The Art of Writing. Penguin, 2020.
Ensure all entries are alphabetized by the author's last name.
Frequently asked questions
MLA format is designed to provide a consistent and clear structure for writing and citing sources in academic papers. It helps writers properly attribute ideas and research, ensuring credibility and avoiding plagiarism.
To cite a book in MLA format, include the author's last name, first name, the book title in italics, the publisher, and the publication year. Example: Smith, John. *The Art of Writing*. Penguin, 2020.
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