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Shipping Slip Template

Create professional shipping slips effortlessly with our easy-to-use template.

How to Create an Effective Shipping Slip

  1. Add Header Details

    • Your logo and company name
    • Contact information (address, phone, email)
  2. Include Customer Information

    • Recipient’s name and shipping address
    • Order number and order date
  3. List Items Clearly

    • Item descriptions
    • Quantities and SKU numbers
  4. Provide Shipping Details

    • Shipping method and carrier
    • Tracking number
  5. Add Footer Notes

    • Return policy
    • Thank you message

Keep your shipping slip organized and easy to read to ensure smooth delivery and customer satisfaction.

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Quick Shipping Slip

From: {Your Company Name}
Contact: {Your Phone}, {Your Email}

To: {Recipient Name}
Address: {Recipient Address}

Order Number: {Order Number}
Order Date: {Order Date}


  • {Item 1 Description}, Qty: {Quantity 1}, SKU: {SKU 1}
  • {Item 2 Description}, Qty: {Quantity 2}, SKU: {SKU 2}

Shipping Method: {Shipping Method}
Carrier: {Carrier Name}
Tracking Number: {Tracking Number}


  • Return Policy: {Return Policy}
  • Thank you for your purchase!

Simple Packing List

Company: {Your Company Name}
Logo: [Your Logo]

Customer: {Customer Name}
Shipping Address: {Customer Address}

Order ID: {Order ID}
Date: {Order Date}


  • {Product 1}, Qty: {Qty 1}, SKU: {SKU 1}
  • {Product 2}, Qty: {Qty 2}, SKU: {SKU 2}

Delivery Method: {Delivery Method}
Tracking: {Tracking Number}


  • {Return Policy}
  • We appreciate your business!

Effortless Shipping Document

Sender: {Company Name}
Contact Info: {Phone}, {Email}

Recipient: {Name}
Address: {Address}

Order Details:

  • Order #: {Order Number}
  • Date: {Date}

Items Shipped:

  • {Item 1}, Qty: {Qty 1}, SKU: {SKU 1}
  • {Item 2}, Qty: {Qty 2}, SKU: {SKU 2}

Shipping Info:

  • Method: {Method}
  • Carrier: {Carrier}
  • Tracking #: {Tracking Number}

Additional Notes:

  • {Return Policy}
  • Thank you for choosing us!

Straightforward Shipping Note

Business Name: {Your Business Name}
Contact: {Your Contact Info}

Ship To: {Recipient Name}
Address: {Recipient Address}

Order Info:

  • Number: {Order Number}
  • Date: {Order Date}


  • {Item 1}, Qty: {Qty 1}, SKU: {SKU 1}
  • {Item 2}, Qty: {Qty 2}, SKU: {SKU 2}

Shipping Details:

  • Method: {Shipping Method}
  • Carrier: {Carrier}
  • Tracking: {Tracking Number}


  • {Return Policy}
  • We value your business!

Concise Shipping Record

Company Name: {Company Name}
Contact Details: {Phone}, {Email}

Recipient: {Recipient Name}
Shipping Address: {Address}


  • ID: {Order ID}
  • Date: {Date}

Shipped Items:

  • {Item 1}, Qty: {Qty 1}, SKU: {SKU 1}
  • {Item 2}, Qty: {Qty 2}, SKU: {SKU 2}

Delivery Info:

  • Method: {Method}
  • Carrier: {Carrier}
  • Tracking: {Tracking Number}


  • {Return Policy}
  • Thank you for your order!


Frequently asked questions

What is a shipping slip and why is it important?

A shipping slip, also known as a packing slip, is a document that accompanies a shipment of goods. It provides a detailed list of the items included in the package, ensuring that both the sender and receiver have a clear record of what was shipped. This helps in verifying the contents upon delivery and resolving any discrepancies.

How can I ensure my shipping slip is accurate?
  • Double-check the item list against the actual products being shipped.
  • Include all relevant details such as quantities, descriptions, and any special instructions.
  • Ensure the shipping slip matches the purchase order or invoice to avoid confusion.
What should I do if there's a discrepancy with my shipping slip?

If you notice a discrepancy between the shipping slip and the actual contents, contact the sender immediately. Provide details of the missing or incorrect items and keep a record of all communications. This will help in resolving the issue quickly and efficiently.


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